Saturday, December 20, 2008

Now That Was A Lasting Impression

I am so sick and tired of the cold. I wish there were a button we could push to make it all go away. For the rich, there is a button... And that's the "right-click" of the mouse to plan some expensive, all-inclusive vacation to some warm, tropical island far away. Then there's the rest of us, the majority of us who have to sit here and settle for a pathetic tea from Timmy Ho's to keep us warm. Bah hum bug! I wish I was rich. Some day.
On to other news.. So I started the new job today. Hated it but then I got to thinking of how lucky I am to actually have a job. It wasn't until this old lady in catering called me a "stupid fucking bitch" for leaving the door open and letting in the cold.. for about 15 seconds. Like holy crap lady.. ya coulda been a little more personable and asked NICELY to close the door cuz ur old ass is cold! Then the maintenence man was a douche and ugh! I shouldn't really say that I HATED the JOB. I don't. I dislike some of the staff. But whatever.. I'm only there for a few months. I might ask Kevin to go part time and apply at Superstore in cosmetics or clothes or something.
Anyways.. I better go. 7 am will come faster than I know.

Monday, December 8, 2008

It's Beginning To Look Alot Like Christmas

Well. The almost no-snow winter came to a halt last night. After having 2 days of above 0 temperatures, mother nature decided to dump a huge load of snow on us. I hate it. I hate winter, and I hated it even more when I was a kid. Having a birthday in January proved to be nothing more than sitting around the living room watching re-runs of Bambi. That is, which ever kid's mum let him or her out. I remember that one birthday I had.. My mum got me a clown! I HATE clowns. Then I got my fingers stuck in the VCR cuz I was so sick and tired of watching Bambi and I didn't know how to take it out properly so I just stuck my fingers in there and tried to yank it out. Didn't go over to well.

Well it's already December 8th of 2008. Where does the time go? I remember the beginning of summer. And now, it's gone for another year. It's actually quite sad the way time disappears from our fingers like the sands of time. I'm almost 25 and what do I have to show. Nothing. I wish I could just press rewind, go back and do it all over again. There would be ALOT that I would change. My dreams of being a couture model are dashed out the door LONG ago. I can't wait to move back to Calgary so I can finally get an agent and get the ball rolling. *sigh*

I absolutly can not find a job here for the time being. It's absolutly impossible. I'm getting quite mad actually. I wish I could just find someone that I could live with for one month, that's it, who dosen't charge me a THING and I would just work my ass off to get up there on my own. I wish, right. I think by far, this has to be the longest blog I have ever written. There were so many times before that I wanted to write but either didn't have my computer with me or I was just plain lazy. *sigh*

I think tomorrow I shall go out and look again. I will apply places in the mall and maybe call around to places and see what I can get. I miss having money. I hope Calgary pans out this time. I'm kinda scared of going tho. I have my reasons. Certain people know them. I wanna go to a movie. It's been a while. Speaking of movies, The Dark Knight comes out on DVD tomorrow. I can't wait! I'm gonna somehow get it, weather it means buying it or renting it.

Anyways, I shall go. I have a few more episodes of Top Model to watch before I retire for the night. I shall write again soon. Hopefully before I go to my mum's on Sunday. I kinda don't wanna go but whatever. I need to see the chiropractor. Righty-oh then.

GNite. I know you're looking for me.. I'm right here. I will do everything to stand beside you..

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

December Two Oh Eight

Missing - Evanescence
Please, please forgive me
But I wont be home again
Maybe someday you'll look up
And barely conscious you'll say to no one
Isn't something missing
You won't cry for my absence I know
You forgot me long ago
Am I that unimportant
Am I so insignificant
Isn't something missing
Isn't someone missing me
Even though I'm the sacrifice
You won't try for me not now
Though I'd die to know you love me
I'm all alone
Isn't someone missing me
Please, please forgive me
But I won't be home again
I know what you do to yourself
I breathe deep and cry out
Isn't something missing
Isn't someone missing me
Even though I'm the sacrifice
You won't try for me not now
Though I'd die to know you love me
I'm all alone
Isn't someone missing me
And if I bleed, I'll bleed
Knowing you don't care
And if I sleep just to dream of you
I'll wake without you there
Isn't something missing
Isn't someone missing me