Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I Used 2 B Luv Drunk; Now I'm Hung Over --

Excuse the post confessing my "love drunk" words to "my everything". Clearly, and gladly, that time in my life is over. Now, on to bigger and better things =c). So, this is it. I'm leaving for Calgary tomorrow. *takes deep breath* I was supposed to go yesterday, but I got NO sleep and I don't have to go talk to Christopher until Wednesday. I thought it was a little crazy when I read my horoscope on facebook.. also weird that I decided to wait until today.. which happens to be the 22nd of the month. =\ Here is the facebook horoscope:
It should be easy for you to accomplish something you've been waiting to give a try, Aquarius. This is something that concerns your reputation or career, and there is definitely money involved. Take a chance and do something risky, but only in regards to money and business, because risky behaviors in other aspects of life could put you in the path of wellness or personal safety issues. This is a decision for you alone, in that there is no one else who can advise you on this matter. But it really isn't that complicated, it's just a matter of holding on to the number and rolling the dice.
I think that's totally a good omen! There's gonna be alot that I'm gonna miss here, crazy as it sounds. But things will go well. I can't wait to be making money again, living on my own, gaining even more independence and getting myself outta this crazy shell lol. I can finally focus on my health and hopefully when I come down to Medicine Hat again (after November) people will notice a big difference. Here's to hoping anyways.
But I better go. I'm gonna try to blog every night when I live on my own. Which won't be until December. Anyways.. wish me luck!
xx - Chele

Monday, September 14, 2009

BlackBerry Blog --

So this is officially my first blog via my BlackBerry. Let's see how this goes, shall we? Its almost 6:30 am and guess what, I'm not one bit tired. I have poor Mahliboo beside me and she's so sick :(. She can't stop sneezing and I feel bad for the poor thing. I think I'm gonna blog on my BlackBerry more often. This is kinda cool haha. So I should be living in Calgary by next week, assuming everything goes according to plan. Let's keep our fingers crossed, shall we. This is going to be a rather smaller post. I'm gonna TRY to get some sleep but who knows how this is gonna go. I'll write more later if I have time. Bye.

Friday, September 11, 2009

You Are My Everything

You mean more to me than you will ever know. Being with you makes magic happen and you give me hope that I can go on. Even if no words said, just being beside you is enough. Tonight I had alot of fun. We've never had so much conversation, just you and I, and I loved it. I will wait for you, even though I've said it's over, I will wait for you. I believe in you and I believe in us and I know that you do too. I know that you have alot going on right now, and like I said before, take the time you need, but don't break my heart. It's very fragile. I Love You A.H. and I always will, no matter what. :) When we parted our ways, you kissed your hand, pressed it against my lips and we held eachother until we couldn't no more. Like making love in the moon light. Thank you for making my life worth living. ilu forever.

Monday, September 7, 2009


I would've done almost anything for you
I told you how much I cared
I was there for you when you needed a friend
But you left me in total dispair
I tried to hold on just one more day
Hoping you'd finally see
But days have past, nothing's changed
So I gotta do what's good for me
You hear I'm leaving
There's nothing you can do
I'm sorry baby, you should've listened
When I told you how much I loved you
Don't try to keep me, my mind is made up
On my journey I shall go
You'll stay in my heart forever my dear
But this is beyond your control
You had the chance, you played with my mind
You helped me on my way
I know you'll be fine, you're a big boy
I'll see you some other day.