Sunday, June 1, 2008

Always Worth A Second Chance

As I sit here, wiping the tears from my eyes from a television series that I absolutely despised once upon a time, I got to thinking.. there are things, people, places we see that at that point in time make us cringe, make us turn our noses in disgust but we never really give them a try. We never give them a chance to prove themselves. Well for the past month and a half, I have let one of my demises into my life and have realized that it was the most heartwretching thing, in the up most way. Yes, and if you have caught the "pun" earlier on, you would have guessed that I'm talking about Sex and the City. When that show first aired, I was a mere 14, so watching that show as religiously as I have been, woulda been kinda odd. I shouldn't say odd, but if you knew my family then yes, you would use the word odd. And SJP, my god... I hated every molecule of her and now to think, I think she is one of the most beautiful, gracious women today. People don't get 100% of the facts when it comes to things. Just like us humans only use 10% of our brains, I'm beginning to believe we only judge 10% of what we should. There is also someone else, and I won't name names, but I couldn't stand this person, now to think where I am and how far I've fallen.

Isn't it funny to think back, say 5 years ago and realize just exactly how much has changed. Let's see, let's talk about me. 5 years ago I was 19 and thought I knew it all. 5 years ago I just bought my first car. 5 years ago I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life. Now here I am, 5 years later, juggling bills and money and stress and major decisions. Where will I be 5 years from now? I will be 29 and I sure as hell hope I'm NOTHING like I am right now. In any way, shape or form! I hope I don't have any emotional vampires in my life or any kind of fake person whose just there for the ride.

So to end this tragic note, I shall sleep, for I have been up all night watching the final episodes, crying my poor little eyes out and wishing there was more. Until this evening, when the girls will reunite on the silver screen right in front of me. And will it be good?...

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