Sunday, November 30, 2008

I'm "sofaking" Weird Tonight!

Well.. I really have nothing to talk about, besides the fact of my juice mix isn't exactly mixing in my water bottle. I hate when that happens. Then at the end of the bottle of water when there is shit-all left in there, a surge of zing comes down and into the trap and you're left with nothing but over joyed taste buds and some weird ass look on your face. Although, right now that isn't the case. Do not go and purchase 8 dollars worth of spicy cashews. I like spicy but this is like "holyfuckkabahgukka". My lips are looking for the fire department, and that's even after I, persay, washed them. Yes, I gave my cashews a bath. They enjoyed it in there all floating around and stuff. If you haven't noticed, I'm in a very weird mood. I should be sleeping. It's 4 am and this is usually a normal thing for me lately. After I'm done this, it's off to watch more Top Model. I'm obsessed. I also have very bad gas tonight. Not something I should be sharing with the world but whatever. The outside of my left foot is cold, the inside, not so much. The right one, not a chance in hell. Yum yum R-Patz.. I'm out.

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Countdown Is On.

Super over joyed. That is how I'm feeling right now. I don't have to wait until July to move back home. It's happening.. I'm moving back Feb 1st. Moving with Crystal and not Cindy (for the time being) is gonna be SUPER weird. But you do anything for what you want right. My fingers are typing like 1000 miles a minute right now but my mind is going double that. I am so excited, so antsy to go right now. I just checked out the job boards and there is SOOO much. Same with places for rent. I'm so excited. Altho telling my mum is gonna be hard. Oh well. She moved away and she loves where she is. This blog seems like a little girl going on her first date and getting kissed for the first time. It's so "all over the place and random"! Muhaha! This is it.. I'm outta Medicine HATE for good! (I hope I didn't jinx myself haha).

Saturday, November 15, 2008

It's Now Time To Depolish Your Star That Once Shined So Bright

So much to put yet a mind running full speed ahead. I can't catch it. I can't catch up to it. So much to say. Nor a word is articulated. Does this make sense? Do you understand me? I don't understand me. I have a flurry of emotions running through my mind and ripping me apart like a catapult during a dirty war. So much to take in, so much to wonder. Yet not vent, nor release the tension felt. Just take it in. Keep it shut. Rememberance from the past hurts. It hurts to believe I've been condescended to a lower being of my exsistance just for mere humour. You made me feel small, made me feel weak yet I shall not succumb to your dispair. Why is this bothering me? It's been so long. Too long. Way overdue. I'm done and you're over.