Saturday, November 15, 2008

It's Now Time To Depolish Your Star That Once Shined So Bright

So much to put yet a mind running full speed ahead. I can't catch it. I can't catch up to it. So much to say. Nor a word is articulated. Does this make sense? Do you understand me? I don't understand me. I have a flurry of emotions running through my mind and ripping me apart like a catapult during a dirty war. So much to take in, so much to wonder. Yet not vent, nor release the tension felt. Just take it in. Keep it shut. Rememberance from the past hurts. It hurts to believe I've been condescended to a lower being of my exsistance just for mere humour. You made me feel small, made me feel weak yet I shall not succumb to your dispair. Why is this bothering me? It's been so long. Too long. Way overdue. I'm done and you're over.

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