Friday, February 13, 2009

I'm So Sick Of It...

With many attempts to lie down, close my eyes and fall asleep, here I am again.. awake and on the internet. I have alot of things on my mind lately. It's 2:07 am, I have to work at 8 and I'm not one bit tired. I don't understand. I didn't get 8 hours of sleep last night, not even close. I never had a nap today and I'm not tired right now. It's the mind of fullness I have. I'm so annoyed with everything right now. Maybe if I go in point form EXACTLY what's bugging me, I might feel better.. I'll give it a shot:

I'm so sick of -
- my nose always being stuffy and not being able to breathe
- tinkerbell barking at anything and everything that moves
- the neighbour always gawking out her window whenever she sees us
- bambi peeing on everything
- midarko being a bitch to the other cats
- mahliboo always jumping up on my back and using claws
- mercedes always trying to get outside
- the toilet not working and being "fixed" with a twist tie and ear phones
- the hardwood floors in my house
- things always sticking to my feet no matter how much the floor is swept
- me always wanting to clean my room but it never gets done
- all the mysterious, discusting bugs that came outta no where in my bathroom
- the price of soy milk
- not having any money
- not knowing whats going on with our house in calgary
- not being friends with dane; i miss him alot
- my addiction to fast food
- the knot in my shoulder blade
- all the yuckies in the basement
- not having a working dryer
- not having cable
- having days off and not doing anything
- being stuck in medicine hat
- not knowing what the fuck happened to jordan
- crystal and her fucking annoyingness lately
- having split ends
- all the nice guys being in england
- having unpaid bills
- facebook
- working and not getting the recognition i deserve
- working and not being able to wait for days off but once i have days off, i wish i was working
- filling my car with gas all the time
- not being able to go to the gym
- sitting on my bed in an akward position with my laptop on my leg
- always resorting to making lists of things im sick of

Well anyways.. there's my current annoyances in a nutshell. I'm sure there's more but my mind is all over the place right now. It's now 2:30 and I guess I'll go pluck my eye brows.. oh yah.. I'm sick of that too.

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