Tuesday, April 22, 2008

You Don't Know What You Got Til It's Gone

So I was just on Facebook looking at all my old pics of Calgary and it almost brought tears to my eyes. I miss it there so much. I miss being happy, even with all the stresses of no money and no job. I loved how everyone was so carefree and nice. Well everyone I came in contact with anyways. I can't wait til July 7th to go home before the flight to Vancouver. I know I'm going on vacation to Van City but I think I'm a little more excited to go home for a day. Weird I know. Maybe it's cuz I know Calgary and I know where I'm going. I'm scared shitless to drive in Vancouver. I've never flown without my mom. Even though I've only flown once. Do one thing that scares you daily. I'm so excited to fly. I love flying. I wish I was going to like Italy or something just to be on the plane longer. Oh well. I guess the hour long flight will do. I can't wait to book the hotel and the rental and do everything. I can't wait! Well I guess I shall go to the AirCanada website and look at the flight prices. Even thought mine is covered, I still need to know.
Oh yah.. one more thing. I've been vegetarian for 46 days today! Woo! Go me!


Anonymous said...


I just started this blogging thing recently and have been browsing through the ones in Alberta, which is how I came across yours.

I don't know if you've ever been to Vancouver before, but Stanley Park is probably one of the most - if not the most - beautiful urban parks in all of canada. You can do virtually anything there: rock climbing, hiking, biking, jogging, and it skirts the ocean.

As well, if you happen to find yourself on Granville Island, as you're looking around and thinking to yourself how beautiful the place is, it was actually built over a toxic waste dump.

Cheers, enjoy your trip, and grats on your choice to go vegan.

M. said...

good for you for going vegan, it's a hard thing! i can't wait to see all the pics from Vancouver! lucky girl!