Thursday, May 8, 2008

One More Day?... I Sure Hope Not!

So as I sit here, on Day 7, still jobless, I'm wondering what the hell it takes to get a job in this city. I've applied at 21 places so far and not ONE has called back. Places that are hiring, places I have experience at, places that hire BUMS! I really don't wanna resort going to McDonalds.. Now that's low. And sad. I really wish employers would take down their "NOW HIRING" signs if they are NOT hiring and another thing that pisses the fuck outta me is when an employer says that they will call you, and then they don't. The only thing I am certain on right now is my re-runs of Sex and the City. I have 22 days before the movie comes out (at this rate I'm gonna have to sneek in to see it) and I wanna watch all 6 seasons. I'm down 1 and a half.. 4 and a half more to go.
Well, here's to hoping that I get a call back 2morro. From at least ONE of the places I applied. And another gas tank full later, I will apply at more places. My feet are cold, my cat's in heat and I have a sore throat. Oh my god, I killed one giant ass spider today. Well I didn't KILL it, I sucked him up with the vaccum so I really hope he died right away cuz he'da been mighty dizzy otherwise.
I guess I'm off to continue my journey's through Sex and the City re-runs. Good riddance and good night.. Again.

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