Friday, September 5, 2008

Bringin' On The Heartbreak

I hate what alcohol does to people. It turns them into mindless, ignorant little fucks. And some, it gives them courage that they don't normally have on a day to day basis. It's only inevitable what you thought. I guess I already knew that. I was givin' the warning a while back and I decided not to steer clear of this mess. Now here I am, hungover with a heart that hurts more than with Jack told Rose to go on without him. And here you are, carefree like you always are and probably not remembering how arrogent you are when you consume. If you were sober, would you still acted like that? No matter what, and no matter how much you broke my heart last night, I still love you. I'm not giving up on you because I believe. My arm says so, right. I think I'm going to cry again. You held me SO tight and the smell of you still lingers. You are so beautiful but yet I hate you so much. But you did do something for me last night, you lit that flame that was slowly fading. I'm gonna do it this time. Thanks to you. Not saying I will act the same towards you when I'm finished, but who knows right. I love you, I hate you, I need you.

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