Thursday, September 4, 2008

A Little of This && A Little of That

So it totally just erks me that people can be so self-centered and unaware of other peoples feelings. It's been a while. I haven't been here in so long I better make this one a good one. I do, none the less, have alot of things to talk about. My last day at Rusty's is next Wednesday and let me tell you, I am MORE than THRILLED to be done. Yes, I am going to miss the laughs with Mac & Jo, and I'm gonna miss working with Tara & Michelle but I just couldn't handle it anymore. I'm also going to miss the money. How life was not working paycheck to paycheck. But the emotional bullshit was way to much to handle. It kinda gets to a person, being the only one doing EVERYTHING. And the lack of support and praise from the manager is kinda a piss off. But that's fine. Their loss right! I will totally live my days 'til I move back to Calgary delivering the Calgary Herald for premo cash. Having the rest of the day to myself to maintain housework and spend time with my cats and stuff. Shit has got to be done around here. Not as in housework wise, but as in pay off old debts and rid myself of the old shadows that are lurking within me. I'm moving back to Calgary this time with a different outlook and a new prospective. I loved the person Calgary made me and I want her back. I love the feeling of being happy and carefree. Medicine Hat is a drag and the emotional stress here is quite unbearable.
So, on another note. For the 3rd time this year I'm going to see Hedley (tonight). But mark my words, it's not the last time this year. October 10th in the Jubilee in Calgary. I can't wait to go to Vancouver. It's a mere 2 weeks away but it seems like forever. I can't wait to get all excited the night before and wake up and drive to Calgary and board that plane. It's been way WAY too long since I've been on a plane. I love flying! I also can't wait to see the ocean.. finally. And NO ONE is stopping me. I can't wait to get sand between my toes and hear the sounds of the ocean. Kinda makes me wanna shed a tear right now. *sigh* But, as slowly as it's coming, it will come and go fast. Which is sad. I need a moment of tranquility. This just might be it. :)
I'm not to sure how much more I can think of to write. Maybe I will try to write a poem. Haven't done that in a while. Please forgive me if it makes no sense. I'm just throwing random words together in the hopes of something beautiful. One more thing.. speaking of beautiful.. I got a tattoo FINALLY. Beautiful Insanity written on the inside of my right forearm.

A baby's born, a mother cries
A world of betrayel, murder, lies
What can we do to make this end
Come together, be a friend
It shouldn't matter if we're fat or thin
Or the color of our skin
We need to love no matter what
Before we make the final cut
Need not judge before we know
Premature taunting makes us low
If we keep this up, where will we be
In the year Two Thousand Twenty Three
Will our world be full of hate
Even more than Two Thousand Eight
So lets put down our guns and our nueclear bombs
And come together, happy and calm

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