Thursday, September 18, 2008

While I'm At It Throw A Hand Grenade

This past week has been nothing but a complete joke. A total waste of time. And as far as I'm concerned, the upcoming week will be just as bad. I am so annoyed at how everything is just up in the air, wait til the last minute for EVERYTHING again. So here I am, 32 hours before I'm supposed to board a flight that I don't even know exsists, running around, trying to clean my house. Like how fucking retarded. I just wanna crawl in a giant hole and cry. I am so sick and tired of NOTHING going according to plan! I am so tired but I have 2 days worth of shit to pack into about 12 hours. And somewhere in there I have to squeeze in an interview. I'm so grumpy with shit right now, an interview is the LAST thing I wanna go to. Dishes, laundry, packing, mowing the lawn, cleaning EVERY room in this fucking house which is just gonna get messed up again from those fucking dogs, taking the bottles and recycling down, sweeping the WHOLE house! I could go on. I HATE having nothing but hardwood. Vaccumming is SO much more easier. My room is calling me. I better go clean it. I'll prolly end up throwing something and then feeling bad when it breaks and crying myself to sleep. *sigh*

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