Saturday, March 8, 2008

Lifestyle Change

So, over the past few days I have done some thinking. It's time to change. I've been like this for way to long and it has gotten me no where and no one. Actually that's a lie. It's gotten me something.. PAIN. I'm sick of pain. I'm sick and tired of calling in sick cuz I can't move. I'm tired of cancelling plans with people cuz I'm to embarassed cuz the only way I can walk without pain is to waddle. I'm tired of walking into the skinny peoples stores and obsessing over how cute a skirt is and having the workers snicker behind me. Like maybe I'm looking at that skirt for a birthday present for someone. I know once I do (how Dane would day) a "lifestyle change", I'm gonna be hot. Not to be concided but it's true. Before I moved to Calgary and was on Weight Watchers I lost 22.5 lbs and could you ever tell. I'm 24.. I don't wanna "start" my life at 30. What fun is that? I wanna go back to school and get a career. I don't wanna waitress anymore. I can't handle it. I can't handle anything anymore. I am so depressed. I hate wearing a hoodie in the summer. I hate not doing stuff and juss sitting indoors.
So here is my pledge.
I, Michelle Schneider, vow that when I return from New York on March 31st, 2008, I will indeed start what friends refer as a "lifestyle change". I will return to being vegetarian, not only for the purpose of health, but for the purpose for animals. I will faithfully go to the gym as much as possible and follow a regime. I will NOT push myself too hard, I will go slow so my body dosen't strain. I will start to pay my way overdue bills off. I will start saving money for my upcoming trips and I will go see a councellor. I will look into a college career and start it once funds become available. I will be more happy and less cranky.
Signed, at the kitchen table of my house,
Michelle M Schneider

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