Monday, March 31, 2008

It's Never Too Late

So as I sit here wondering where the hell this snow came from and why the hell my dryer dosen't work, I've realized that I'm getting happier. I don't know. Maybe it's because I have one shift left at Smitty's. Which is tomorro, er.. today. Alls I know is I am beyond excited to work at the Holiday Inn Express. Everyone that I met on the day of my interview was so nice. And Amber works there. I also get hotel discounts so that means when I go to Vancouver, the hotel will be cheap. And I won't even need help from Kristy. So all is good in that department. I have my flight paid for and a cheap hotel. It's time to get things under control. I am going to make a list (on paper) of who and what I owe money to and I am going to start paying it off. It's time to get my life under control. There is no way in hell that I am moving to BC with bills and money problems. I'm kinda tired but I have to wait for my laundry to be done. Damn dryer! I'm liking him more and more every day. I kinda had a weird preminition the other and and it was so weird. It actually came true. Plane crash. Nuff said. Anyways, this was kinda random and I have nothing else to say so I guess that I will go. Have a good night.

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