Thursday, February 14, 2008

It's Time To Explode, My Valentine.

Welcome to my life, my life of a not so happy fairytale. Kinda contradicting to my title eh? Sometimes I just drift away to a place where everyone is happy and nothing bad is going on. Wouldn't that be nice to have that, tranquility every day. Wouldn't it be nice to know that everyone in the world is getting along. But of course, no matter where you turn, greed, backstabbing, murder, hatred.. it fills the streets like a caged animal let loose. Can a person actually have ONE good day where NOTHING goes bad? Maybe someone somewhere out there has experienced this phenomonon, but as for myself, I could only wish. Society has such a discusting image of what "acceptance" looks like. Not everyone was born with the "perfect" genes, or the fast metabolisim, or the rich parents that will buy you everything. We all bleed the same blood, we all feel the same skin, so why does it matter what color your skin is or what kinda clothes you are wearing? It makes me sick.

Kinda speaking on my own behalf now. I'm a server so I deal with a variety of people on a daily basis. Most of them old, (as I live in an old goat ville) make me sick with the "respect your elders" line. You know, maybe if the elders respected us younger people, it could go hand in hand. I am also sick and tired of people thinking just because I am a server, I am the dumbest fuck in the entire world, like I am a high school dropout with no future ahead of me. And they think serving is SO easy. Don't get me wrong, it's pretty slack compared to the demanding jobs out there but I would much rather haul ass in the oil field then deal with the cranky whiners who complain their eggs aren't over easy or heaven forbid, they got brown toast instead of white. But you know, women can't rig without their high school diploma but men can drop out of grade 8 and get hired right on the spot! (No hard feelings to all the testosterones out there) I would also like to see some of these pushy, cranky fucktards try to remember 9 tables drink orders in their minds, while balancing plates, manoevering around running children whose parents are to involved with their blackberrys to watch their offspring and dealing with the old goats who have asked for the 10th time for more coffee when in fact they've only taken a sip outta their cup and they know that I'm busy. I'll get to you. I know what I'm doing. Coffee is on it's way. Fuck off. I'm also sick and tired of people thinking that 4 quarters, 2 dimes and 7 pennies will pay your rent. Yes, I am bitching about my tips and yes you can comment me all you want but that is why I am in this industry. I could go work minimum wage wearing those golden arches and smelling like fry grease but I do what I do for the tips. Or lack of. Maybe it's just this city. Yup, I'm convinced. In Calgary, I made mad tips. I miss Calgary.

Kinda random and left unfinished but I'm done..

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*Serenity* said...
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