Friday, February 29, 2008

The Only Thing That Should Run On You Are Your Feet, Bitch!

So today started out by waking up late.. like I knew would happen. I ended up finally hitting the road at 11 am. Way off of the 6 am start I wanted. None the less, I got into Calgary at a good time and I wasn't even speeding. Go me! We decided to go to the Anderson Station to catch the train down to the Passport Office and cuz of my leg, we missed the train by literally 2 seconds. Too bad concidering the train we did catch had some fuckin' drunk native cunt on it who tried calling me on and claiming that I was "looking at her husband". Fuck bitch, I was looking at the buildings. Then she continued to run her mouth about how "pretty girls like me are always looking at her husband. Go get a husband of your own" and blah blah blah. Yah that's right ya fuckin' junkie, like I want YOUR husband. Obviously he dosen't beat you enuf to knock some sense into your fucking alcohol hole. Stupid fucking douche cunt. I wanted to fuckin' take her out but thank god Cindy was there. I woulda fuckin' whaled on her so bad she wouldn't know Saturday from Monday. None the less, we made it to the Harry Hays Building, my hands still shaking with rage. I got my passport and I didn't even have to pay the express fee. I should have it between the 14th and 17th of March. 24 days til' I go to New York. Woo Hoo. Got Kernals and Mr. Sub and then I went to SouthCentre to get Jugo Juice and it was gone! They moved it upstairs and when we went to find it, they didn't have it set up yet. Like what the fuck! I want Jugo Juice and I want it now! I was gonna go to Chinook but then I remembered there was one in Deerfoot Meadows. Yah.. found it but, of course, it was closed. Jesus shit! Then the light bulb above my head went on again and I remembered there was one in Sunridge Mall... so up to the North we go. Got to Sunridge and *heaven music* there it is! FINALLY. SO needness to say, I got my Jugo Juice. After that, and missing our turn twice, we finally headed home.. er.. Medicine Hat. And so, here I am, Diet Coke beside me, the sound of keys from laptops and crunching of Kernals filling my ears and 3 weirdo cats and a dog who thinks he can fly running aimlessly around me, I am almost ready to end the day. Check Facebook like 2 more times, play a few games on MSN, check Facebook again, complain that my back hurts cuz I sat to long, then retire for the night. Sounds good. Ohh and drunk native cunt.. Have a good nite. Don't let the crack bite.

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